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Item Number 145500BARK
The Barred Rock (Plymouth Rock) chicken is one of the all-time, popular favorites in the U.S. They can't be beat for steady, reliable chickens. This Heritage Breed was developed in New England in the early 1800's by crossing Dominiques and Black Javas. Since then, the breed has spread to every part of the U.S., and is an ideal, American chicken. This breed of chickens is often referred to as a Plymouth Rock, but that title actually refers to the entire breed, not just the Barred variety. Other varieties include Buff, Partridge, Silver Penciled and White. These hardy, dual-purpose chickens are known as prolific brown egg layers, and the hens are not discouraged by cold weather. At maturity they are solid and plump with yellow skin, which makes them a beautiful, heavy roasting fowl.